All God's Children

"Perseverance produces character;
and character, hope." (Romans 5:4)

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About Immanuel



Become a Governor  Our Governors 

Immanuel Board Structure BDAT Board Structure  Register of Interest

Our Purpose

We are a committed and active governing body that works with the headteacher and senior leadership team to oversee the strategic direction of the college.

We act as a critical friend, providing support and encouragement while holding our professional colleagues to account for all aspects of the college’s performance, to ensure the highest standards are met and the college improvement plan is delivered.

We take seriously our collective accountability to our students, the parents and the wider community to make sure that the educational experience at Immanuel college meets the needs of all our learners.

In order to fulfil our role, we worked to gain as full an understanding as possible of the various aspects of college life. We discover how it functions and operates by our attendance at governor meetings, interaction with staff, students, parents and involvement in college events.


What we do

We meet as Local Governing Body (LGB) six times a year to discuss specific agenda items including reviewing any changes at the college, training, progress of the college Improvement plan and policy review and sign off.
We also have a sub committee to the LGB made up of representatives from the LGB, and this is the Finance and General Purposes Committee.

The Finance and General-purpose committee oversees the finances, health and safety, maintenance of the college estate and HR matters.

This committee meets 3 times over the academic year.

We also have Link Governor responsibilities which encourage close involvement and contact with the school and cover a range of areas such as English, Maths, Science, SEND, Safeguarding and priorities from the school improvement plan. The main purpose of this is to ensure that governors have a thorough understanding of the workings of priority areas in order to offer support and challenge. We also use these as a method of offering high quality, knowledgeable feedback to the Governing Body.

We continually review all SIAMS aspects of the school to ensure the ongoing development of the Christian ethos and distinctiveness of the college. All that we do at Immanuel is underpinned by the belief that we are all God’s children and we pride ourselves that the Immanuel family is built on Christian values and principles such as consideration for others, respect and forgiveness. The governors who attend the SIAMs group provides reports to the LGB.

To contact the Chair of Governors, please make your correspondence clearly for the attention of the Chair of Governors.


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