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"Perseverance produces character;
and character, hope." (Romans 5:4)

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Bradford District SEND Local Offer

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Here are some quick links to useful information from Bradford District's latest newsletter. If you’d like to be part of their supportive community, visit their Facebook page: Local Offer Facebook page

The Parents’ Forum for Bradford and Airedale is offering three more dates for the EHCP workshops. These are 25 April, 2 May and 10 May. The workshops run from 10.30am to 1.30pm at Carlisle Business Centre, Carlisle Road, Bradford BD8 8BD. 

Click here to book.

EBSA (Emotionally Based School Avoidance) parent support sessions - dates are on the FYI website: EBSA sessions.

Find out about a recent event which took place in Bradford to support young people’s mental health. Take the Mic 2: Rap and music

See What's on for children and young people in Bradford district - search Visit Bradford.

Read more about how what changes are happening in Bradford on the Local Offer webpage, SEND Change Programme.

Tribunal support workshops:

These are for families going through the tribunal process needing support with a specific task, for example, completing an appeal form, registration letter or evidence bundle. The workshops available below will take place from 1pm - 4pm at Barnardo's, 40-42, Listerhills Science Park, Campus Rd, Bradford BD7 1HR. Book here.

  • Tuesday 11 March and Tuesday 11 April 

Find out more about SENDIASS on the SEND Local Offer website - One Minute Guides. You can contact SENDIASS on, 01274 513300 or email