All God's Children

"Perseverance produces character;
and character, hope." (Romans 5:4)

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Learning at Immanuel

Key dates – assessment / reporting to parents 

Key dates – assessment / reporting to parents 

ATL – Attitude towards learning descriptors. 

w/c 11.11.24 Year 7-11 ATL 
w/c 16.12.24 Year 13 current attainment and ATL 
w/c 06.01.25 Year 11 mock results (1) and ATL
w/c 13.01.25 Year 10 raw scores & target for GCSE subjects, currently working at grade for BTEC subjects and ATL
w/c 20.01.25 Year 7, 8 and 9 current attainment and ATL 
w/c 03.03.25 Year 13 mock results and ATL 
w/c 31.03.25 Year 11 mock results (2) and ATL
w/c 05.05.25  Year 12 current attainment and ATL
w/c 16.06.25 Year 7 and 8 current attainment and ATL 
w/c 14.07.25 Year 9 current attainment and ATL 
w/c 14.07.25  Year 10 mock results attainment and ATL 
w/c 14.07.25 Year 12 mock results and ATL


 Key Stage 3 summative assessment (Year 7, 8 and 9)

Key Stage 3 summative assessment (Year 7, 8 and 9): 

At KS3 the means of measuring student progress is on an individual basis. Progress is calculated against their expected ability level. This is achieved using a range of assessments to give an overview of the progress a student makes between each assessment point and report. 

Assessment at KS3 is ongoing and data is collected through a variety of methods across subject areas. This allows for a more holistic picture of each student's attainment and progress.  

In November students will receive an attitude towards learning grade, this will allow you to see how well your child has settled into the new academic year.  

In January parents and students will receive attainment and attitude towards learning grades. This will allow you to see how they have performed in their subjects and whether they on track to make progress in line with their expected ability.  

In June parents and students will receive attainment and attitude towards learning grades. This will allow you to see the progress your child has made from the previous report.  

In June Year 9 students will sit English, Maths and Science mock examinations. This gives students an invaluable experience to prepare them as they start their GCSEs in Year 10.  

There will also be one parents evening for each year group during the academic year where there is the opportunity to discuss your child’s attainment and attitude towards learning with their subject teachers in more detail. 

Year 7 will also receive an additional attitude towards learning grade just before Easter.

Key stage 4 summative assessment (Year 10 and 11) 

Key stage 4 summative assessment (Year 10 and 11) 

At the end of the first half term year 10 and year 11 students will receive an attitude towards learning grade, this will allow you to see how well your child has settled into the new academic year.  

Year 10

In January parents, and students of year 10 will receive a raw score breakdown of the assessments completed so far in their GCSE subjects, along with a specific subject related target. As students have only studied a small amount of GCSE content at this point, we are not able to give a current GCSE grade. For BTEC subjects they will receive a currently working at pass/merit/distinction indicator, and for each subject an attitude towards learning grade. This will enable you to see how they are performing so far in the different elements of the subject and to know what to do to make more progress before they sit their mock exams at the end of year 10.

At the end of year 10 students will sit GCSE mock exams and will receive a GCSE grade (9-1) which indicates where they are currently working. In most cases this will be calculated from a GCSE exam paper with set grade boundaries. This enables students to gain the experience required for the summer exams at the end of year 11. This is also an important process for teachers as it allows for them to intervene and maximise the potential of their students.  

Year 11

In November year 11 students will sit mock GCSE exams, parents, and students of year 11 will receive a current GCSE grade and attitude towards learning grade. This will allow you to see how they have performed in their subjects and whether they are on track to make their expected progress. In April parents and students of year 11 will receive their final report and second round of mock grades before the exams.  

Post 16 summative assessment (Year 12 and 13) 

Post 16 summative assessment (Year 12 and 13) 

At each assessment point year 12 and 13 students will receive an attainment grade relevant to the qualification they are studying. This will be A*-U for A Level subjects and D*-U for BTEC subjects. Students will also receive an attitude to learning grade for each subject. 

Year 13 students will receive initial assessment grades in December followed by their mock grades in March before the final preparations for the summer exams. 

Year 12 student will receive initial assessment grades in November followed by a final mock grade in July.