- Overview
- Our Curriculum Intent
- Subjects
- Ready to Learn
- Assessment
- Reading
- House Systems
- Personal Development
- Student Wellbeing
- Trips, Clubs and Enrichment
- Student Leadership and Student Voice
- Creative Arts School Shows
- Homework and Remote Learning
- Year 9 Pathways
- Exams Information
- British Values
- Extra-Curricular
- Go Higher West Yorkshire
Go Higher West Yorkshire
About us
Go Higher West Yorkshire is working in your school or college to help you and/or your peers to make decisions about your next steps in education. Go Higher West Yorkshire is a partnership of universities and colleges working together to reduce inequalities and help everyone who can benefit to access and succeed in higher education.
We are part of the Uni Connect Programme – impartial advice and guidance on college and university. Uni Connect is funded by the Office for Students. It is a national network of partnerships across England which offer impartial advice, guidance and activities on the benefits and realities of higher education in college and university.
Higher Education Access Tracker (HEAT)
HEAT stands for the Higher Education Access Tracker. It is a secure electronic database, which means no one can see it unless they are supposed to. Lots of universities and colleges use HEAT to track young people who are taking part in similar activities to you. You can find out more information about what HEAT is and how it works at https://heat.ac.uk/privacy-notice/.