- In PSALM Year 7 develop the communication skills of active listening, negotiation, offering and receiving constructive feedback and assertiveness. The form time schedule also accounts for student reflections of their progress allowing them to become proactive individuals in preparation for life after education
- Students commence the Career of the Week programme as part of the PCH slot of the form tutor programme (Year 7-11 programme)
- Students complete a Dragons’ Den style activity day further developing their creative and presentation skills within a team environment. Select teams will be judged by a panel of business leaders
- We run a Yorkshire Water girls in STEM careers trip.
- Overview
- Our Curriculum Intent
- Subjects
- Ready to Learn
- Assessment
- Reading
- House Systems
- Personal Development
- Student Wellbeing
- Trips, Clubs and Enrichment
- Hamilton 2025
- Ski Trip 2025
- P16 London 2025
- Young Voices 2025
- Paris Drama Convention 2025
- Geography Fieldwork 2024
- France 2024
- Pilgrimage 2024
- Thackray Medical Museum 2024
- Vietnam 2024
- Ski Trip 2024
- Paris 2024
- Auschwitz 2023
- Cambridge 2023
- France
- Geography Field trips
- Nell Bank
- Oxford
- Pilgrimage
- Rewards
- Ski Trip
- Spain
- Thailand
- Student Leadership and Student Voice
- Creative Arts School Shows
- Homework and Remote Learning
- Year 9 Pathways
- Exams Information
- British Values
- Extra-Curricular
- Go Higher West Yorkshire
Careers Education
Year 7
Year 8
- From Year 8 there is a statutory obligation to teach careers within the wider PSALM programme. At Year 8 students learn about effective organisational, research and presentation skills, personally review their employability and consider strategies for developing their employability skills. Students also learn about local and national Labour Market Information and careers and jobs routes
- STEM careers activity days, introducing students to the transferrable skills required to succeed with these careers.
Year 9
- At Year 9, in PSALM, students learn about different types of employment and how these relate to education and life experiences. Students learn about working rights, health and safety in the workplace, clarifying their own aspirations. Students reflect on the benefits of being ambitious and enterprising in all aspects of life, and enterprising skills and terminology, such as productivity and marketing. Particularly pertinent is the concept of students’ own personal ‘brand’ which can be damaged or enhanced using social media
- Students develop their communication skills in a Murder, Mystery event led by a local theatre group
- Students participate in the Broadening Horizons careers fair
- The Go Higher strategy (run by the National Collaborative Outreach Programme – NCOP) commences in Year 9, with Immanuel College’s onsite Progression Officer working closely with students with a variety of internal and external activities. The strategy aims to increase the awareness of targeted students to university courses and higher-level apprenticeships.
Year 10
- At Year 10 in PSALM students evaluate their own personal strengths to inform goal setting with careers in mind. Students learn how to recognise discrimination in the workplace. Continuing from Year 9, students develop their understanding of the importance of maintaining a professional online ‘presence’ and managing the risks social media brings. Students also learn about their rights and responsibilities in the workplace, the role of employers, employees and unions
- Year 10 students are inducted into using Unifrog to help plan their Post 16 and Post 18 pathways
- Go Higher strategy (see above)
- Mock interviews organised by external providers
- A one-week work experience that takes place in July of every year
- Participation in Bradford Manufacturing Weeks activities (every October).
Year 11
- At Year 11 in PSALM students learn how to recognise and follow health and safety procedures in the workplace. Students consider the wider implications of illegal substance abuse, especially its impact on current and future employment, and therefore personal lifestyle. Students examine a number of inspirational people to model how they should develop their career identity and maximise their chances of success when applying for jobs. This includes the use of the Unifrog platform to assist students in writing a CV
- Year 11 will take part in employability sessions around managing their personal ‘brand’ and professional conduct
- Go Higher strategy (see above)
- We host a variety of assembly speakers, including the Armed Forces, local manufacturers and apprenticeship providers Assembly speakers
- Attendance at external apprenticeship and higher education fairs.
Post 16
- In Year 12 students are involved in the Progression Module, a year-long programme which aims to prepare students for higher education and the world of work. This is facilitated by Leeds Beckett University
- Post 16 undertake a programme of PSHE and life skills covering topics such as managing your time, choosing the right university, relationships and consent, gambling awareness and mental health
- Year 12 students are given time to undertake work experience for two weeks in July or provided with a fortnight of internal and external events focused around ‘getting ready for work’ and ‘getting ready for university’ where students are invited to visit local universities and engage with finding apprenticeships. Keynote speakers are invited to equip students with better knowledge of routes into their chosen career paths
- The College’s in house provision runs the UCAS application programme for universities
- External providers run programmes to help students with high GCSE grades from deprived backgrounds access selective universities, such as the Sutton Trust’s Summer School, the Spruce Programme (with a focus on law as a career), the Aspiring Professionals Programme from the Social Mobility Foundation, the Rotary Youth Leadership Award, HE+ (resources created by Cambridge University academics and students) and resources from HM Treasury.