- Overview
- Our Curriculum Intent
- Subjects
- Ready to Learn
- Assessment
- Reading
- House Systems
- Personal Development
- Student Wellbeing
- Trips, Clubs and Enrichment
- Student Leadership and Student Voice
- Creative Arts School Shows
- Homework and Remote Learning
- Year 9 Pathways
- Exams Information
- British Values
- Extra-Curricular
- Go Higher West Yorkshire
Online Safety
It is important for us that our students feel safe, that is whether they are at school, at home or online.
Our Safeguarding team is available for you to talk to if you are at school but there is also other support available if it is needed.
If you need to report something that has happened, or that you have seen, online you can access the following places for help:
Below are some useful resources and guidance to support you in keeping your young people safe.
Think before you send
Please click below for guidance from Skips Safety on online safety practices regarding the messages you send/share.
Removing nude images shared online
Please follow the link for information for parents about Report Remove, a tool to help young people report images and videos online.