- Overview
- Our Curriculum Intent
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- Ready to Learn
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- Year 9 Pathways
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- British Values
- Extra-Curricular
- Go Higher West Yorkshire
Geography Intent
The geography curriculum at Immanuel College has as its foundation the belief that we are ‘all God’s children’. In humanities, our values of perseverance, character and hope underpin all our work.
The intent of the geography curriculum is to:
- encourage our students to think independently and to enjoy and explore the physical and human world around them.1
- foster confidence and exceptional achievement within every key stage by considering different starting points for every student and ensuring the pace of progression is suited individually to all our learners.
- nurture academic habits through a carefully designed curriculum which layers geographical knowledge and embeds geographical skills in a broad and balanced way in order to prepare our students for the next stage in their lives.
- approach our topics with a balanced human and physical focus with opportunities to apply knowledge acquired to real world situations which provides relevance, enrichment, hope and aspirations to our students.2
- allow students to explore social, economic and environmental issues and question their own actions and the impact it may have on the world around them.
- nurture the importance of being positive, proactive local, national and global citizens through the Christian Ethos at Immanuel College, in that we are “All God’s Children”.3
1’The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it.
2‘In Jesus you are all children of God through faith’
3.‘They will call him “Immanuel” which means “God with us”