All God's Children

"Perseverance produces character;
and character, hope." (Romans 5:4)

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Learning at Immanuel

Ski Trip 2025

Over February half term, 35 students along with four members of staff went skiing to Monte Bondone in Italy. This is the second Year we returned to same resort as we had such a good time in 2024!!

We could not have wished for a better week! The sun was shining all week, the ski conditions were fantastic, and the hotel was located right next to the piste.

At the end of the first day, we knew we had a very able group of skiers when the beginner group left the nursery slope behind and went onto learn on the advanced beginner slope. This is the first time we had seen our students make progress so quickly.

At the end of day two, the beginners had learnt how to get on a ski lift and were skiing down blue runs.

Our intermediate and advanced groups were skiing some of the hardest red runs by the end of the week and showing how to perfect their ski jumps in a snow park!

The ski instructors adored our students so much, they offered to give up their time and allow our students an extra ski lesson in their own time and even joined us with some apre karaoke activity!!

Another favourite apre activity was having two fabulous meals in a restaurant eating Italian pizza and pasta.

We are returning to the same resort in February 2026. If you fancy joining us, see Mr Bowker or Miss Almond for more information.

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