All God's Children

"Perseverance produces character;
and character, hope." (Romans 5:4)

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Parents and Carers

Year 6 Transition

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A very warm welcome to our prospective Year 7 students!

We are delighted that you will be joining Immanuel College in September and would like to help you prepare for this important transition.

Before students start with us in Year 7 a member of our team will visit you in your primary school and you will be given a welcome pack that includes information about getting to school, our uniform policy, what equipment you need, the school day and advice around the support we can offer.

We can't wait to meet you.

Term Dates

Mental Health Support Team Transition Workbook

Transition Day – TBC

First Day of Year 7 – Tuesday 2nd September 2025

Parents: Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact the school?

You can contact Immanuel College by telephone on (01274) 425900 or by e-mail to

What time does school start and finish?

School is open to students from 8am, with a FREE breakfast being served from 8.10-8.25am time so that students can enjoy a healthy start to their day and some social time with friends before lessons start. All students must be in school before 8.25am. The day finishes at 2.55pm. 

If my child is ill, what do I do?

We ask that parents contact the school absence line on (01274) 659888 as early as possible should their child be absent from school for any reason.

When reporting an absence please remember to leave your child’s name, registration group, reason for your child absence and your child’s expected date of return if known. If we do not receive a call informing us of your child’s absence we then use a text messaging system to contact parents asking them to provide a reason for the absence.

It is very important that we receive a telephone call for every day that your child is absent.
School absence line: (01274) 659888

My child has specific SEN needs, who do I contact about this?

Mrs A Whittle is our school SENDCo. She can be contacted via telephone on (01274) 425900 or via e-mail

How do I pay for my child's food?

We are a cashless school so if the students are purchasing lunch you will need to add money to your child’s ParentPay account. More details can be found by clicking the below link.

What can my child have for dinner?

We pride ourselves on the healthy variety of food available here at Immanuel College. For more information on our catering service, including example menus, please click here.

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