All God's Children

"Perseverance produces character;
and character, hope." (Romans 5:4)

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What if you find Post 16 difficult?

We ensure that we find the perfect pathway for all our students. The subjects which are chosen are personalised to each and every student. If you struggle there are always staff on hand to advise and support you. Personalised intervention plans are put in place to match your needs and plenty of one-to-one help from subject specific teachers and the pastoral team is always available.

How to choose and how many subjects?

There is a timetable available allowing students to choose the subjects they want to do. We encourage students to take 4 subjects in the first instance and then after the initial 4 weeks settling in period they can reduce these down to 3 subjects which they will study for the rest of their time in Post 16.

How can you use your free periods?

Students are expected to stay in school and work full time ONLY for the first half term. This allows our students to embed good study habits and allows them to use their free time effectively. After this settling-in period, many students can work from home or off-site when they do not have any lessons in school.

How will parents know how their child is doing?

We hold an information evening for all parents to attend in the second week of the academic year. This evening gives parents the opportunity to meet the Post 16 team and be updated on what to expect throughout the year. There are also assessment points throughout the year when parents are sent data home informing them of the progress their child is making. If, at any point, we feel that we are worried about the progress of any student then a meeting is arranged with the students and follow-up with parents. Parents are encouraged to contact the Post 16 team at any time.

Is it possible to change subjects?

We have a 4-week settling-in period which allows you to understand the subject content. There is a preliminary assessment after the four weeks and if you are struggling with the subjects, then you have the opportunity to speak to staff, get some support and even amend your subject choice.

What is the application process?

Application forms are available via our website and are completed electronically; information and QR code can be found at the front and back of the prospectus.

After applying you will be contacted regarding an interview. If successful, and after results day, you will have an enrolment interview in September to confirm which subjects you would like to study.

Is it ok to have a part-time job?

A lot of our students have part-time jobs, we encourage this as this allows our students to have more independence. However, you must make sure the job doesn’t interfere with your studies.

What is the dress code?

At Immanuel College we believe that students should be given choices about what is appropriate to wear for college, however we also want to provide guidance about what ‘suitable for a focused academic environment’ means in practice.

We would recommend students wearing the following items of clothing:

  • Shirt and tie with smart trousers
  • Shirts and chinos
  • Trousers and top
  • Smart skirt - Skirts/dresses must be
    closer to the knee than the hip
  • Leggings can be worn under skirts/dresses


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