- Overview
- Our Curriculum Intent
- Subjects
- Ready to Learn
- Assessment
- Reading
- House Systems
- Personal Development
- Student Wellbeing
- Trips, Clubs and Enrichment
- Student Leadership and Student Voice
- Creative Arts School Shows
- Homework and Remote Learning
- Year 9 Pathways
- Exams Information
- British Values
- Extra-Curricular
- Go Higher West Yorkshire
Enrichment & PE Rewards
Ski Trip 2024
Our annual ski trip took our students to the slopes in Monte Bondone, Italy. 26 students went with little or none ski experience with all returning as intermediate skiers.
Sports Day
Sports day is always a hive of activity and a great chance for students to show high levels of perseverance, character & Hope. Each summer, all 4 house compete in the sporting activities of Football, Tug of war, Rounders, Bench ball and Dance. With additional competitions of Photography, Journalism, Maths and Art challenges.
Winner of 2023 Sports Day was WILBERFORCE!
BDAT Sports Day
Every year we compete in the BDAT sports day where we compete against the sport stars from the other secondary schools in BDAT. One day focuses on athletic events with the second day covering the sporting events such as Football, Benchball, Badminton etc.
All our students were fantastic representatives for the school and we were proud to announce that we were crowned the winners of BDAT Sports day for the second time running!
Periodically throughout the year students have the opportunity to spend their positive points on rewards. Here are a few that the Sports department regularly offer and facilitate.
Manchester City Visit
Trampolining at a Jump Arena