- Overview
- Our Curriculum Intent
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- Ready to Learn
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- Creative Arts School Shows
- Homework and Remote Learning
- Year 9 Pathways
- Exams Information
- British Values
- Extra-Curricular
- Go Higher West Yorkshire
Technology Extra-Curricular
Remembrance Poppy Dress
Throughout the first half term our Fashion and Craft club were busy working and creating away to make this incredible dress they have made in honour of Remembrance Day. Each poppy and detail designed and made by the students involved in the club.
This dress has been sitting proudly in the main reception this half term. Well done and thank you to all involved in the amazing creation!
Rag rug wreaths and bobble hat keyrings
Throughout the second half term the fashion and craft club have been busy learning how to make rag rug wreaths and bobble hat keyrings. Students have been creative with various colours and patterns creating some fantastic pieces.